It’s a brand new month, the sun is shining in Philadelphia (as it is always), and just as we cling to whatever joy we can scrape together in this crazy, mixed-up world, experience the joy of SO MANY GORGEOUS SHOTS of my wedding to Bex, as photographed by the SUBLIME Gen Palmer, photographer extraordinaire, as found on the aptly named website https://genpalmer.com/ and now this is a hell of a run-on sentence
Support Gen Palmer all of the time and give her all of your money.
I designated this group Hope’s Girls, but that name is fairly gender exclusive so I’m open to punch up. Hope’s Eight? The Magnificent Eight? The Enclave? Regardless, these amazing people all have my back and I’d trust them all with my life.
Yeah, let’s go with Hope’s Eight, it leaves room for sequels
If you’re in these shots, message me, let’s do a heist
I like these people quite a bit
My parents. Hi, Mom and Dad!
Hey, Dad, when you read this, text me what the hell is up with that face, you look like someone spoiled an episode of NCIS
I’ve been six foot two for well over twenty years at this point, still can’t get over the height difference between mom and I
This is the man you can blame for my odd speech patterns
Eyes FRONT, Dad! Front! jingles cat toy above camera
I have a brother-in-law now! He’ll understand my esoteric references to the 1980s!
Bex and their mom!
I have been assimilated
She informed me in advance that she was going for a “Victorian” look, and did she ever deliver!
Hey, Ella, do you wanna talk about The Matrix?
these people would kill for me, which is a good confidence booster
if you’d like to hear this drum solo in Spanish, please, press or say “two”
We Love Our Cryptid Son
Always keep a giant wool renn faire cloak handy for when you have a wedding in the freezing cold
Pictured: Adults
We’re the new a capella sensation
This is us miming walking into an intense windchill
okay but holy crap look at my leg; this photo is absolute vindication for all those damn split squats I do. (bonus: you can absolutely see the big white X on my shin from when I screwed up sunscreen application in July, a whole six months earlier. It REALLY burned in there, guys)
Again: DEEP apologies for that windchill
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am
I ORIGINALLY thought that I could get away with just three posts, but I am being punished for my hubris by needing (at least) four posts total to cover our wedding day (ah, darn!). AS SUCH…